a collection of sculpture, video, and performance presents the artist as an intermediary between nature and culture. Often treading the line between somber and spirited these works meditate on the limits, or boundlessness, of human perception.

By manipulating and re-contextualizing natural forces, these artists perform works of wonder, revealing aspects of our relationship to nature that may have been previously overlooked. These works point a finger at the liberation of ones mind, but simultaneously make clear that the fruits of liberation are sometimes not as exotic as one might imagine. The fetters of the mind are not released by booming revelation, but through frank introspection. Our perceived reality is as real, or as fake, as it gets.

Performances by Adam Keller and Kid Krusher on December 4th
Work by Scott Ache, Justin Kelly, and Alexsandr Zhikulin

Temporary Paradise by Scott Ache installation view

untitled piece by Alexandr Zhikulin installation view

selected videos by Justin Kelly, SHRED YER BRAIN installation view


SHRED YER BRAIN from Justin Kelly on Vimeo.

We want to thank everyone who came out to our first event and made the night memorable. For our first exhibition we will be showing work by Scott Ache, Justin Kelly, and Alexandr Zhikulin. The opening for the show also featured performances by Adam Keller and Kid Krusher.